By Whisper Of Angels
Excerpts of Kathy's
By Whisper Of Angels
CD are featured as
the soundtrack of the
Chicken Soup for the Couple's Soul
audiobook by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Mark & Chrissy Donnelly, and Barbara De Angelis, Ph.D in the 
#1 New York Times best-selling series Chicken Soup for the Soul
Kathy's Music:
Kathy is also a highly-endorsed and published Composer & Keyboard Artist of digital keyboard music that is ideal for:

Meditation/Prayer, Reiki/Energy Healing, Yoga, Massage Therapy, Spa, Relaxation,
The Healing Arts, Emotional Release, & Veterinarians/Holistic Animal Healing Practitioners.
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Psychic Medium
(Communication with Humans & Animals in Spirit)

Animal Psychic Medium
(In-depth Communication with Animals in Spirit)

Animal Communication
(with Animals living in body - all species)

Intuition Development
(Intuiting insights for your own life, & to help others)

Follow Kathy's
Subscribe to Kathy's Whispers 
from Spirit Email Newsletters!
Receive inspiring and educational stories about her work with Humans/Animals in Spirit, tips for being aware of your continued relationship with your own loved ones in spirit, and notices about private session opportunities, events, & classes!
"I was shocked when my father (who crossed over 45 years ago when I was 13) and two very close friends who have transitioned came through! You spontaneously and exactly brought through the two long first names of my two transitioned friends.

The indicators from my father were very specific, My father also mentioned a name of someone living, that name was right on and he had a message for him as well.

You also brought through the name of one of my best friends who is not in good health and is in the process of transitioning in the next year.

So much information came through, the experience was indeed miraculous and awe inspiring!

It was a phenomenal reading which I will never forget, it will go down in my life time as one of the most profound, powerful, awesome, life changing experiences of my life –Thank you, thank you, thank you."
~ Connie K.

"Heartfelt gratitude for the session after our cherished dog, Charlie, transitioned unexpectedly and suddenly. The messages that came through have been very, very healing for our family,
and have really assisted me in moving through the grief. 

I was amazed when Charlie "showed you" the image of inside his abdomen that had been filled with what you perceived as irritation and cells that were not balanced. He did, indeed, have an aggressive cancer which you did not know in advance.

And when you mentioned one of his eyes always looking a bit to the side – amazing!

And then again, more specifics - you received from Charlie the FULL NAME of an extended family member needing support right now.  And also the message from Charlie of how to support our remaining dog, Dusty who was grieving.

Then you mentioned how Charlie would like his photo to be hung on the wall near the head of the table as a symbol of still being with us during meals. Charlie used to curl up near the wall next to my husband's chair, at his feet, during meals!  We have since hung the photo and it was the perfect spot for it – it’s right where he always laid.

Thank you again for your incredible skill and the love with which you share the messages."
~ Gerianne Hummel

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"I had a session with Kathy and she brought through my Mother, Brother, Father, friend, and pets in spirit.  I was just astounded at the accuracy and how she delivered each of my loved ones...my Mom mentioned specifically about my stress and hurt about some specific family members whom I am not on speaking terms with.

My Mom said 'whenever you are feeling sad and hurt over things, just look up in the sky' and that it will always made me feel better. That is exactly what my Mom would say to me on occasion. There was no way Kathy could have known that! 

Kathy also brought forward my Mother figure, my dearest friend Iris of 20 years.  When Iris came through and Kathy mentioned her playing the organ,  I knew exactly who she was referring to!  

Finally, Kathy mentioned my pets in spirit, Brandie and Jackie. Kathy mentioned Brandie's passing with a seizure and she was correct about that.  

Brandie did not want me to worry because although he was in a violent seizure that he did not feel most of it because he was not really there. He was looking at me from above holding him before he died.  WOW!

I am just AMAZED at how accurate Kathy was.  Kathy, thank you so much for the care and love you embraced me and my loved ones with.  I will treasure it and you always!"  ~ Betty H.

"I had the honor of having a lovely session with Kathy concerning my Father who transitioned 5 years ago.  My Father communicated so many specific things that only he and I could know. So wonderful to know that he is healed from all of the earthly suffering of losing a leg...he sent a message through Kathy that he had 'hobbled' in his life, but that he doesn't anymore!

Kathy spontaneously brought up the name 'Carla' from my Father, and once again, Kathy would not know of this cousin whom I was seeing the very next day!  I want to thank Kathy for using her wonderful gift to bring happiness, closure and peace to those of us who miss our friends, family, and companion animals!  For those who are thinking of making a connection, I can tell you that this has been life changing for me."
~ Debbie Basha

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"I thank you for the hilarious image of my husband’s spirit following me through the grocery store, while my dad and uncle follow him! Too funny! I have a regular entourage at the grocery store!

And it blew my mind when you mentioned the name “Birdie”, the little bird we found after a storm on the ground. We raised Birdie until she could fly, then took her to a neighbor’s yard who had a bunch of wild birds and let her go. So glad that she has found my husband and they are enjoying each other again!

It was so cool when you brought Gloria through! I had forgotten all about her. THANK YOU!! That she will now help me with MY yoga makes my heart smile. So glad she is in my corner to help me! I am so excited!! Best angel session & psychic medium session ever!! I don't think I will be calmed down enough to sleep tonight!!"  ~ Linda B., Houston, TX

"Kathy Landry is incredible. I have had 2 sessions with her regarding pets who have passed. She is spot-on and her sessions have helped me tremendously.  Kathy, through them, helped me let go of the guilt and sorrow of their passing, and to move forward to Now. It helped me to know how happy and joyful they are now and that they're still around me.  And they do know how much I love them... still."  ~ Joan Grandizio

"I just had a most powerful reading from a medium Kathy Landry.  The first name that came up was Bob, my family knows who that is.  She also connected to someone very dear to me, she said he is transitioned or near to it.  She told me about cats that were a big part of my heart.  She is so accurate.  I am still shaking.  Oh, my, if anyone wants a reading, she is the one!"   ~ Jill Mathis
What Clients Say:
Kathy is also a deeply facilitative teacher of
Psychic Medium communication with Humans & Animals in Spirit, Intuition Develop-ment, & Animal Communication 
(with Animals of ALL species 
living in body).
Barbara De Angelis, Ph.D
Best-selling Author/TV Personality says:
'Kathy Landry's By Whisper Of Angels is a constant source of joy and inspiration to me. Her music will truly open
your heart and nourish your soul.'
Alan Hutner, Producer/Co-Host
Transitions Radio Magazine
The Voice & Music of Presence
"Music For Commuting -
With Your Soul"
Body Mind & Soul
Metaphysical Bookstore, Houston, TX
"Her [Kathy's] music has an ethereal effect... For meditation - for massage therapy - or just as a tranquil setting for a background,
By Whisper Of Angelsis magical."

Hear Audio Samples & Order:

Mark Victor Hansen
Co-creator #1 New York Times best-selling series Chicken Soup for the Soul
'Let your heart and soul be kissed and exalted by the Angels by listening to this spiritually moving music.'
For Love of the Soul
John Randolph Price, 
Best-selling Author 
The Abundance Book
The Angels Within Us
Jan Price
Author of
The Other Side of Death
"Kathy Landry’s beautiful work 'For Love of the Soul' facilitates the connection of heaven and earth."

Hear Audio Samples & Order:

Kathy is a stunningly gifted Psychic Medium, communicating highly specific, validating
messages from both humans & animals in spirit - confirming that they are still very much 'alive' and are aware of what is going on in the lives of those who miss them.
She has helped thousands ease the pain of grief 
and become aware of their continued relationship with 
loved ones.

Read reviews and why clients rave!
Psychic Medium Private Sessions: 
Book Session
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Published Composer
& Intuitive Keyboard Artist
Profoundly specific and life-changing validation 
of your continued connection with 
Human & Animal Loved Ones in Spirit
Kathy Landry
Profoundly Validating Messages
from Humans & Animals
in Spirit
"Whispers from Spirit'' 
Inspirational Email Newsletters!
Receive inspiring and educational stories about Kathy's work with humans/animals in spirit, tips for being aware of your continued relationships with your own loved ones in spirit, and notices about private session opportunities, events, & classes:
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A new website is forthcoming on a different platform.
Kathy also has a deep connection with animals of all species, and has lived a vegan lifestyle for 24 years
Both CDs are ideal for:

Meditation/Prayer, Reiki/Energy Healing, Emotional Release, Massage Therapy, Yoga, The Healing Arts, Spa, Relaxation,Veterinarians/Holistic Animal Healing Practitioners.
Elicits a deep response in
ANIMALS - supporting their well-being on all levels.
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