As a stunningly gifted psychic medium, Kathy has helped thousands to validate their continued relationships with their Loved Ones in Spirit - both humans AND animals (of ALL species). 

In private sessions, Kathy communicates profoundly specific and validating indicators and messages from those in Spirit - confirming that they are still very much 'alive' (and at peace!) and are aware of what is going on in the lives of those who love them. This experience helps ease the pain of grieving, and facilitates awareness of the continued relationship.

You'll also gain a deeper understanding of your bond with your loved ones and how to nurture and
heal the connection if needed.

​The psychic medium realm was the paradigm-shifting ephiphany that opened all of my intuitive gifts 30 years ago when I profoundly communi-cated with - and continued a relationship with - my beloved cat after his crossing over...changing my consciousness and path forever.

- Courtesty MP3 recording of session included (optional)

- Available by Phone.  I do not conduct sessions via email or Facebook messaging, or any media via writing.


Questions about sessions?
A father in spirit and other loved ones speak:

"I had the honor of having a lovely session with Kathy concerning my Father who transitioned 5 years ago.  My Father communicated so many specific things that only he and I could know. I was so heartened to know he is with his horses who transitioned over 40 years before him, and that he is visiting the beautiful land he grew up on.  He asked me to meet him there at the pond which he adored, and I did. I felt him and his dear brothers, and also felt the presence of my lovely, charming Mother, as I stood on the earth where I last saw her in her physical body.  Kathy had no way of knowing that what was left in a trust to me was in question and my Father clearly sent me a message that he wanted me to have what belonged to me. 

Kathy spontaneously brought up the name 'Marla' (fictitious name for privacy), and once again, Kathy would not know of this cousin whom I was seeing the very next day!  When I saw Marla, I asked her about her son, and found out he had transitioned on Dec. 3rd. They had not spoken in over 5 years at the time he left. I told Marla of my session and she was so at peace because there is no doubt that David (fictitious name for privacy) was sending her a message from beyond.  She, through my session, finally had closure!  Kathy saw that Marla had a fear of water and the suggestion from beyond was that she learn to swim or heal this fear.  And Marla told me, afraid...but that she had been working on this issue so she can visit friends who live at the beach.

I felt such a sense of comfort to know my Father recognized flaws in the trust he placed in someone.  As a driven businessman, he was led by his heart and not his brain, but has worked through things from where he is now.  I know he can hold his head high as his positive energy wanders and enjoys!  So wonderful to know that he is healed from all of the earthly suffering of losing a leg...he sent a message through Kathy that he had 'hobbled' in his life, but that he doesn't anymore!  Kathy accurately sensed from my Father that he had previously had an issue with a leg or a foot!  

I like that he is in his 50 year old, healthy earth form as he walks around the property that he loves.  To know he is walking with my Mother is beautiful. I want to thank Kathy for using her wonderful gift to bring happiness, closure and peace to those of us who miss our friends, family, and companion animals!  For those who are thinking of making a connection, I can tell you that this has been life changing for me. My sister is not ready to receive the message our Father sent her, which was, "Take care of that little boy."  The little boy is his great-Grandson whom he never met. When she is open to receive, I will tell her."  
~ Debbie Basha


A small dog in spirit validates her very big presence around her grieving guardian:

I needed a session when I lost my Min Pin, Van. I could not find peace. You told me Van wanted me to know she was beside me at the dog park the day before and for some reason the name Las Vegas was swirling about from her.  That very day, my friend Marshall stopped by when he saw me at the park to tell me how sorry he was about Van and that he would not see me for a few weeks as he was leaving for Vegas. MY girl really wanted to assure me she WAS there - and that she had heard what Marshall had said!!  ~ Debbie Basha


A Mother, Father, Brother, Friend, & Beloved Dogs communicate:

"I had a session with Kathy and she brought through my Mother, Brother, Father, friend, and pets in spirit.  I was just astounded at the accuracy and how she delivered each of my loved ones.  My Mom wanted to talk to me right away. I knew it was my Mom because my Mom mentioned specifically about my stress and hurt about some specific family members whom I am not on speaking terms with.  My Mom said whenever you are feeling sad and hurt over things, just look up in the sky and that always made me feel better......that is exactly what my Mom would say to me on occasion.  There was no way Kathy could have known that! 

My Mom also apologized for sometimes being aloof with me and that she learned that from her Dad.  She also said that she loves me very much and she apologized for the problems I am having with my siblings that she feels somewhat responsible for that.  Wow, so profound and spot on.

Kathy also asked me if I have a bar in my kitchen.  I said yes then she says because your Mom loves to lean against it and look at you cooking and doing things in the kitchen.  My Mom said to please talk to her while I am in the kitchen and she knows I cannot see her but she will listen to me.  I have been talking to my Mom now and I tell her how much I love her.

Kathy also brought forward my Mother figure, my dearest friend Iris of 20 years.  When Iris came through and Kathy mentioned her playing the organ,  I knew exactly who she was referring to!  Iris played the organ and she is the only person I know who played the organ!

I also learned that my Dad is with Mitsy and Peppie, Toy Poodles, who I adopted when he passed away.  My brother Alfred also came through and told me do not cry for Me....I connected with that right away because in his written memorial those words were in a saying entitled, "Do Not Cry for Me."  Kathy mentioned his quality of life and it was his time and that was so true.  Wow!  

Finally, Kathy mentioned my other pets in spirit, Brandie and Jackie.  She was spot on when she said that Brandie told her he always wagged his entire body, not just his tail, and would look up at me!   Brandie was not sure if I realized that it was not just his tail that was moving.  I have a video of that and I was so amazed Kathy mentioned that!  Kathy mentioned Brandie's passing with a seizure and she was correct about that.  Brandie did not want me to worry because although he was in a violent seizure that he did not feel most of it because he was not really there.  He was looking at me from above holding him before he died.  WOW!

Kathy also mentioned one of my pets who did not like the weather.  I connected that with Jackie, our Shepard, Lab mix, who was terrified of storms and thunder!  She would always hide! I am just AMAZED at how accurate Kathy was.  Kathy, thank you so much for the care and love you embraced me and my loved ones with.  I will treasure it and you always!  ~ Betty H.


A father and two friends communicate from beyond:

"My reading with you was profoundly effective. I am 58 and I have been on my spiritual path since 1995, but I was shocked when my father (who crossed over 45 years ago when I was 13) and two very close friends who have transitioned (none of them knew each other this life time) came through! You spontaneously brought through the two long first names of my two transitioned friends.

The indicators from my father were very specific, and the names of my two transitioned friends were exact. My father mentioned a name of someone living, that name was right on and he had a message for him as well. What is really interesting is 4 to 5 days before my reading I realized my father had never told me he loved me which prompted a long conversation with my sister. In the reading my father came right out and said: Connie, I love you.

You also brought through the name of one of my best friends who is not in good health and is in the process of transitioning in the next year.

So much information came through, the experience was indeed miraculous and awe inspiring! I was a believer before this reading but I never fully understood that I (we) have so many family and friends on the other side who are fully, genuinely supporting and rooting for me (us) with a strategic plan, an agenda, a goal to assist me (us). They are not just loving us! The three of them formed a trinity to assist me through this phase of my life. Amongst other information I was given permission to be free and full and happy. Just hearing that from my loved ones on the other side has shifted me.

It was a phenomenal reading which I will never forget, it will go down in my life time as one of the most profound, powerful, awesome, life changing experiences of my life. It was a pivotal point in time for me. Events and information are still coming through daily, information I can share with my sister and brother that will assist in their consciousness shifting and their healing.

It was a reality shifting experience, so much that I have started writing a book to help others! Thank you, thank you, thank you. Peace, Love and Light. ~ Connie K.

A dog in spirit and a grandmother communicate:

"Thank you so much for the psychic medium session yesterday concerning our beloved dog Roo. I am still in awe of the messages that came through. I'll begin first with the immediate connections that were made. You first brought up a yellow duck. Roo never played with toys, but we kept next to his bed a yellow duck for company. It was only very recently that I put it away. Also you mentioned his eyes. Those were his identifying feature and the first thing every morning I always cleaned his eyes.

You also mentioned how you picture him getting as close as possible to me and that you saw him carried around in the crook of my arm. Well Roo slept under my arm and I did indeed carry him just as you described. You mentioned a generator and I was stumped until I got home. I then recalled that the week Roo crossed over we had a power outage on our cul de sac. For 5 days and nights there was a truck size generator outside of our home powering our block. I recalled it clearly because I was overcome with grief at that time and the noise of the generator kept me up all night!

Prior to our session I had told my sisters if there was time I was going to try to connect with our grandmother. I did not mention that to you. Toward the end of the session, you came out with " Roo is with your grandmother. Your mother's mother." You then told me you saw my grandmother with roses and angels. Yes, it was the grandmother I was going to ask you about and she indeed loved roses and always talked of the angels. You mentioned the color turquoise around her and she was buried in a turquoise dress in 1966! Amazing! My sisters were speechless when I shared this.

You also mentioned Roo feeling the love in life from a 17 year old girl. That would be my 17 year old niece who was one of 4 people who was "allowed" to hold his highness Roo. You even were correct on the ethnicity of my niece and her mother. Roo was not acquainted with any other teenage girls! Again, amazing!

The specificity of our session was truly incredible. I was getting ready to confirm a lot of what was coming through and you stopped me, telling me it would be more profound if all communication was spontaneous. I appreciate that you told me that as the information was so specific. I particularly like the way you described the healing process when trying to move forward, using all the joy Roo brought to this world to help in the healing. Thank you again." 
~ Diane Cooper


Two Companion Birds Communicate from Spirit:

We had a beautiful and comforting
psychic medium reading with our 
Lacey and Sunflower who are both 
in spirit, with vegan psychic medium 
Kathy Landry today. It brought us so 
much tears and comfort and the 
searing pain of Sunflower's crossing 
in particular has eased. Kathy brought 
forth things that were very specific 
and some that I had "gotten" myself. 
We both feel so much better having 
connected to them.

I am currently taking Kathy's psychic medium class for 
animals in spirit and I have taken two of her psychic medium classes for humans in spirit. 
~ Pamela Whistley


A Soulmate Dog Communicates: 

I just want to say, you are AMAZING. I highly recommend you to anyone searching for peace and answers after losing a loved one. Our first (of many, I hope) session has brought me so much peace. I've even chuckled and smiled and outright laughed as some of what came through from my best friend, my reason, my amazing wonder dog, TyTy. Thank you, Kathy, from the depths of my being. There is absolutely NO WAY you would have pre-known what you brought through. No. Way.  ~ RaeAnna S.


From a Suicide Survivor:

"The shocking suicide of a family member in December led me to Kathy.  My emotions were raw, and I was numb.  Even though we had been divorced for years, this man was still the father of my child. Because we had shared a difficult dance for years before he chose to depart this way, a shield of distrust had closed my heart.  All I knew was that I needed a miracle, and all Kathy knew was my name.

Not only were my angels there with specific messages that I KNEW were truth… but this recently departed soul was there as I had anticipated.  He was spontaneously announced by Kathy as someone who had transitioned, and who was communicating that he 'used to lie in your arms'.  What he then shared through her was so clearly “him” and such a healing experience for me that the shell I had built around my heart literally melted within hours of the call.  

This first session was just over a week ago, and the messages mean more and more every day!  My awakened heart is seeing and FEELING miracles daily, and the “Ah hah” moments are coming so fast I can barely keep up with them.  

I honestly think the “thawing” I felt in my heart after one session would have taken months of therapy to achieve…..that is how powerful the experience.  Thank you, Kathy for being the conduit, and for sharing your gift with the world.  ~ Carla - Houston, TX   


A husband, friend, & rescued bird speak from beyond:

"I Thank you for the hilarious image of my husband’s spirit following me through the grocery store, while my dad and uncle follow him!  Too funny!  I have a regular entourage at the grocery store!!

And it blew my mind when you mentioned the name “Birdie”, the little bird we found after a storm on the ground.  We raised Birdie until she could fly, then took her to a neighbor’s yard who had a bunch of wild birds and let her go.  So glad that she has found my husband and they are enjoying each other again!

It was so cool when you brought Gloria through!  I had forgotten all about her. THANK YOU!! She was just the neatest, most fun person I have ever met!  That she will now help me with MY yoga makes my heart smile. So glad she is in my corner to help me!  I am so excited!!  Best angel session & psychic medium session ever!!  I don't think I will be calmed down enough to sleep tonight!!  
~ Linda B, Houston, TX

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Profoundly Validating Messages
from Humans & Animals
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